i know, i know.
i've been like missing bout a month plus now.
wasn't been able to blog due to my camera being malfunction.
so wasn't been in the mood to blog anyway. (plus i'm being lazy too) *grins*
BUT ... now that i've got a new camera, i'm back to blog !
*a round of applause; clap-clap*
oh, & because my old camera was malfunction, the photos i had in it are GONE~ x((
by the way, few days ago, friendster tends to pop out another "SHANICE".
with the same name, face & pictures of me.
thus, i wonder do i have a twin sister ?!
NO~!! it's a poser. BEWARE~
stupid biatch who steals my pic from my blog & dare to use that acc with my pic to view me.
or probably you're doing it on purpose.
that is sooo childish of you lor, seriously.
for what the m-fucking reason you wanna pose me ?
you hate me / you admires me ?! (hell knows)
whatever it is, STOP POSING ME YOU BIATCH~!!
anyway, back to me.
been catching a taiwan drama "Fated to love you".
oh, it's m-fuckingly nice la.
go, watch it~!!
stupid taiwan airing so slowly, one week once leh. (buay tahan the waiting lor)
as i am sooo engrossed with that show now.
taiwan, faster finish airing & people out there faster upload can~!!
speaking bout show's, yeaterday BF & me went to watch "Money no enough 2".
it's good~!!
when the part that it's sad, i really cried lor.
don't say i'm useless, most of my friends teared too. x))
ok, just in case i've been missing for long & you guys forgotten bout my looks.
here, see below :
-yup, if you've noticed, i cut-ed my fringe.
i'm back to my bangs. (a month ago)
but my BF don't like it, say too cute not nice. -.-
-BF with his nv ending faces~ he rather wanna watch tv than taking pics with me. x((
-see~!! watch watch watch~
-just random.
-oh btw, see what BF did to the car ?! doesn't the headlight looks like the eyes & the blue LED light looks like the mouth with blue teeths ?! (sooo ah beng~)
-YAWNS~ i'm sleepy now. tucking in now.
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